Live Online Yoga Community — Life Moves Through Gentle Yoga Los Angeles Restorative Yoga Los Angeles Mar Vista Beginning Yoga Meditation relaxation mindfulness healing

Life Moves Through

Online Yoga & Meditation

Though there are many styles and brands, there is only one yoga. It is connection to the Self: Ātman आत्मन् (essence or soul)–and the understanding that this truth of who you are is no different than the whole of the universe. Yoga practice is a means of remembering this truth and participating in it. For each individual and at different times of life, the style and form of practice will be different, but the essence of yoga as connection to life remains.

My classes include movement, poses, pranayama, meditation and an exploration of archetypes. They root from three yoga philosophies: Tantra as the perspective that spirit is in everything and a dance through the elements and chakras, Hatha as the belief that meditation arises as your own natural state and through the honest engagement with whatever is present, and Bhakti, with the practice of seeking the sweetness of life and the understanding that the end point of all study is love. They are also deeply connected to my studies in depth and somatic psychology and the sacredness of the journey of body and soul.

Yoga is a means to guide you back to the direct experience of life. For generations, systems of power have created beliefs that that someone else holds the power and the truth and that goodness must be achieved. Yoga is the direct realization of the truth within each breath and the body's wisdom. There is nothing to earn and nowhere to get to, however there is much to feel and see. Through the practices of yoga, each individual comes to their own root to the infinite and respect for doing this particular life with consciousness and love. 

“Nowadays, the practice of yoga stops with just asanas. Very few even attempt dharana and dhyana (deeper meditation) with seriousness. There is a need to search once more and reestablish the practice and value of yoga in modern times.”
— Triumalai Krishnamacharya
“Behind every sick man there is a spiritual man. Behind a diabetic, there is a yogi. Behind a man suffering from depression there is an aspirant. When a patient comes for help, teach him yoga and make him better. Treat his sickness, but do not stop there. Take him further into the spiritual domains of life.”
— The Hatha Yoga Pradipika

In-Person Classes

I have a weekly outdoor in-person class Sundays, 10 am in Santa Monica, email me at to join the update list to receive all the info.

Online Classes

For Monday evening online classes - join in from anywhere the time works. Or - participate along with us via the recordings. You are welcome to enroll for a series or drop in whenever it works for you. Please email Laura at to be added to the list to receive links to join, reminders, and recordings. Monday classes and recordings are free or by donation. See the class descriptions below. There is also a morning Sadhana Chakra series where you enroll for the series and will be supported in exploring a consistent morning practice.


• 5:45 - 7:10 pm Pacific ~ All-Levels Yoga & Meditation
Enroll for the series as a supporter or drop in anytime. Free or by donation
Please email Laura at to receive an email with the zoom link.

Spring 2025
7 Mondays
March 25th - May 5th
with Laura Fuller

Payment: Enroll for the series to support these classes and to support your own commitment, OR drop-in for a class anytime you would like. Rates to enroll for the series are set low to give you a way to support these classes even if you can’t attend them all. You are always welcome and wanted regardless of your ability to pay. If you would like to receive the link to join, please email Laura at
Click here to enroll as a supporter.

Morning Sadhana

• 6:00 - 7:00 am Pacific ~ All-Levels Morning Sadhana for the Chakras
Enrollment required - you will be supported through this journey of the first 3 chakras with guided practices, recordings, and the invitation to consistent practice. Various pricing options.
with Lulu Schwarz

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
February 3rd, 4th, 5th,
17th, 18th, 19th,
& March 3rd, 4th, 5th

Click here to read more about morning Sadhana
Click here to enroll.

Click below to pay via credit card or PayPal (charges added). You can also pay via an app or mail a check. Email for details.

For Monday evening classes - please know that all are welcome and wanted regardless of your ability to pay - you are encouraged to be as consistent as you can - don’t let money stand in the way. What is important is the sincerity of your desire and generosity of spirit. For those who can pay, we are very grateful. You are welcome to donate based on suggested rates, or whatever you can give. You can also support the classes by sharing them around.

Suggested donation for drop-ins:
You are always welcome and wanted regardless of your ability to pay. You are also welcome to donate at a low rate. Anything is appreciated.

Enroll for a series:
When you enroll for a series in advance, you are paying at a lower rate for all classes, regardless of how many you can make it to. This means you are supporting the class whether you are able to make it. You are welcome to come to any and all classes, and your enrollment supports the class. If you are only working through the recordings, you can also make a donation of $25 to support. Everyone is welcome in class and welcome to use the recordings, regardless of their ability to pay.

Winter 2025 Series:
Mondays (7 classes) • $77
Support someone else • +$25

Click here to pay via credit card or PayPal (charges added). You can also pay via an app or mail a check. Email for details.

Sadhana Series with Lulu
First 3 Chakras
9 mornings - live or by recording • $72
or Sliding scale • $45

All recordings will be available for 3 months.

Continue reading below for descriptions of the classes.

  • 5:45 - 7:10 pm Pacific ~ All Levels - Gentle Yoga & Meditation. A short, sweet practice to end your day. All levels are welcome and you are encouraged to navigate in your own way. I can help you find the right ways for you. Mat yoga, chair yoga, couch yoga, bed yoga — all are welcome. There will be practices to help you land and slow down, movement and poses, breath practices, meditation and relaxation. Overtime, you will build strength, mobility, and familiarity in navigating the physical body and the inner world.

Introduction to Yoga

(Next date TBD) This is for anyone who is considering beginning the practice of yoga or who would like to deepen their understanding of the practice. We will begin with talking and I will share some ideas and also invite any questions to be sure we get to what you are interested in. We will then have a short practice, then space for questions and shares. This will be enjoyable for people of any level of experience. For those just beginning, it will support you to find your way in. For those who have been at it for a while, it will help you find your next evolution.

Click here to read testimonials of those sharing their experiences in this class.

“If the preparation is perfect, there will be no need to learn meditation from anyone. One fine morning while practicing pranayama your mind will be lifted into a new realm of consciousness”
— The Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Aham Bramhāsmiti अहं ब्रह्म अस्मिति  Self and Ultimate Reality are One.